
Intel Processor FSB Info :
133 = 533 MHz
200 = 800 MHz
266 = 1066 MHz
333 = 1333 MHz
400 = 1600 MHz

Memory Info :
Memory Speeds (MHz)
and Data Tranfer Rates (GB/s) :

DDR1 266 MHz = PC2100
DDR1 333 MHz = PC2700
DDR1 400 MHz = PC3200

DDR2 533 MHz = PC 4200
DDR2 667 MHz = PC 5300
DDR2 800 MHz = PC 6400
DDR3 1066 MHz = PC 8500
DDR3 1333 MHz = PC 10600
DDR3 1600 MHz = PC 12800
DDR3 1866 MHz = PC 14900
DDR4 2133 MHz = PC 17000
DDR4 2400 MHz = PC 19000
DDR4 2666 MHz = PC 21300
DDR4 2933 MHz = PC 23400
DDR4 3200 MHz = PC 25600
Note : 
* The practical data rate is determined by the system's Central Processing Unit and motherboard configuration.
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Wearnes Platinum Series

platinum_seriesThe Wearnes Platinum Series is designed to give you the power of a mutimedia PC and yet affordable. Surf the internet, play games, listen to music or watch your favourite movie. It is able to perform and handle the most intense software with ease.

Platinum 8430V P43 Neo/MS-7519 Ver.1.0
Baca selengkapnya...MS_7519_P43Neo_ V10
Reminds you :

Because of the limitations of chipset, this PC/MB does not support Win98/ME.

Platinum 7965V P965 Neo2/MS-7235 Ver.2.1
Baca selengkapnya...ms_7235_P965_Neo2
Reminds you :

Because of the limitations of chipset, this PC/MB does not support Win98/ME.

Platinum 7965V P965 Neo-F/MS-7235 Ver.1.1


 Baca selengkapnya... ms_7235
 P965_62  Core2_Duo
Reminds you :

Because of the limitations of chipset, this PC/MB does not support Win98/ME.

Platinum 7945V MS-7176 V2A1
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Platinum 7945V MS-7176 V1A
 Baca selengkapnya...  MS_7176Neo
Platinum 7925V MS-7053
 Baca selengkapnya... MS_7053


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